COVID-19-era FA-Q
For those with questions regarding the logistics of our reopening, we will add our answers to this list.
WHAT questionnaire or pre-screening?
We’re finalizing the COVID-19 screening intake and agreement and will send them to booked clients.
Should I come early?
If clients haven’t answered the questionnaire digitally before arriving for their appointment, screening questions will be added to their usual assessment. Either way, no need to arrive early.
Also, see next question.
Socially distanced waiting area?
We ask all clients to please wait in their cars until their appointed time.
While the door to the building will remain open, our clinic door will remain locked until further notice. We will unlock it to let clients in.
The front lobby will have a 2-person max occupancy, one client per business (Essential Elements and MacLeod-Lorway), for those not waiting in their car. We will attempt to stagger appointment times to minimize client overlap.
Should I wear a mask?
Current protocols from the Chief Medical Officer of Health recommend the wearing of masks in areas where minimum social distancing cannot be maintained. As such, clients are encouraged to do so within our small office. However, the wearing of a mask is not a requirement for entering our office.
What if I assess positive during COVID-19 pre-screening?
If clients are found to have symptoms relevant to COVID-19 they are encouraged to contact 811 for direction on further testing.
If clients are found to have symptoms relevant to COVID-19 upon arrival, or during, their appointment, they will be given a mask and instructions on how to put it on. If able to leave the premises, they will be encouraged to do so, and to contact 811. If unable to leave the premises, they will be isolated within the clinic until such time that they can leave.
I already filled out an medical intake form. Why was a sent a new one(s)?
To minimize surface contact, we are moving to digital file keeping. As such, we need to have an up-to-date medical intake for each client, as well as documentation on specific injuries and/or concerns.